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UT-I  Create/Delete Company

Purpose of Program

Use this program to create additional companies or to delete an existing company.  The program can copy all the files from a source company to the target (new) company or it can create a complete set of empty data files if you want to start entering data from scratch.

IMPORTANT: If you are using both Evo-ERP and DBA Classic, always use Evo-ERP to create and delete companies so that both sets of data dictionaries are updated.

IF YOU PLAN ON ONLY USING ONE COMPANY, YOU DO NOT NEED TO CREATE ONE; The system comes with empty data files for the default company already installed and it is ready for you to begin entering data.  You can also use UT-K-A  Clear Data to initialize (clear) any data files in the default company.

General Program Operation

Creating a New Company

First indicate that you are creating a new company by entering a C in the first field.

Enter the Company Code for the new company.  For example, if you want to number the company as company 2, enter a 2.  This is a two character, alphanumeric field.

Enter Y in the Copy from another company? field if you want to copy data over from another company.  If you plan on using the same General Ledger chart of accounts as that of another company, for example, you could copy its data files and then using UT-K-A  Clear Data you could remove all the transaction detail but keep selected master files without having to re-enter all that information.

If you are copying data from another company, enter that company's one or two character company code in the Copy from field.

Enter the Company Name.  This is the name that will appear in the selection window when using the Change Company function on the master menus and in SD-A  Company Defaults and  on printed forms such as invoices.

Enter the Path.  The program automatically inserts a path into this field pointing to a directory one level down from the current EVOERP folder for the new company.  The program uses the new company's company code as the name for the new subdirectory.  You can change the subdirectory name if you wish.  It is not necessary to preface the path with a drive letter.  For example, if your company is currently in EVOERP and you are creating a company with a company code of 88, you would see the following in the Path field.


When you press <Enter> processing will begin.


The program will first create the subdirectory specified for the new company.  If you are copying from another company and specified that all the files were to be copied, it will then make a complete copy of all the files from the source company to the target company.  It will add the specified company code as extensions on the end of the new company's file names.

If you did not specify to copy from another company, the program creates an entire set of initialized (empty) data files with no default settings.

In all cases the program finishes by inserting the new company name in SD-A  Company Defaults so that it will appear on master menus and reports.

Deleting a Company

To delete an existing company enter a D in the first field.  Then enter the company code in the Company Code field.  You are then given a warning that the data files will be erased and are asked if you are sure you want to delete the company.  If you indicate yes, all the files in the company's subdirectory will be erased and all data file locations for the company will be removed from the data dictionary location file.

Special Processing

If you press F3 before processing, you will enable the option to update the data dictionary only.  This allows you to add or remove company entries from the data dictionary without actually creating or deleting the data files themselves.

If you press F4 before processing you will enable the option to create missing data files only without adding a company to the data dictionary.