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SO-B  Print Acknowledgements

Purpose of Program

Use this program to print a sales order acknowledgment.  The acknowledgment can be printed on the universal form or on plain paper.  The form printing option can be defined in SD-M  Sales Orders Defaults.  The acknowledgment can serve as a hard copy reprint of the sales order information and can be sent to customers as verification of their orders or can be used as an internal file copy.

The acknowledgment shows the sales order header information, the item number, description, unit price, unit of measure, discount, extension, and estimated ship date.

General Program Operation

Enter a from/thru range of sales order numbers or select sales orders from a pop-up window by clicking on the Lookup button.  If you don't enter any limits, all open and unpurged closed sales orders will be printed.  You can specify whether hidden sales order notes are to be printed or not, and, if you are using the Features & Options module, whether all the options are to be printed or not.  You can also specify whether sales tax or freight are to be printed or not and whether to include linked documents.

Changing Configuration Settings

If the Configuration setting in SD-A Company Defaults is set to 1 or 2 to allow changes to the configuration settings, then after all the fields are completed indicating Y or N to each choice, a Save Settings button will appear.  If the configuration setting is for system level only and a password has been established in SD-A then you will be prompted for the password before the settings can be changed.  User level settings can also be saved to the workstation.  Once settings are changed, the next time SO-B is run, the Y and N settings will be preset based on those settings.