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IN-J  Print Physical Check

Purpose of Program

Use this program to select a list of items for count verification.  A series of selection criteria enable you to establish a planned system of cycle counts as an alternative to the conventional annual physical inventory.  For example, you might assign Cycle Codes in the inventory part master records as follows: code "M" could be items that are counted monthly, code "Q" could be counted quarterly, and code "Y" could be counted annually.

General Program Operation

Select a from/thru range of item numbers by typing in the item number or by selecting a item number from a lookup window using the F2 key (or clicking on the Lookup button).

Select a from/thru range of item categories, item classes, stock locations, cycle count codes and bin locations.  Indicate whether you want to print in part number or bin location order.

The report provides a place for entering the new count totals, which can be entered into the computer via IN-C Enter Inventory Adjustments or IN-K  Adjust Physical Levels.