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EDI Overview

The EDI module that allows you to receive customer orders and send out customer invoices via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).  Due to the nature of EDI in which requirements can vary greatly from business partner to business partner, it is not possible to offer an EDI module that meets every company's exact requirements.  Some customization will almost certainly be required by third party programmers to make EDI work for your company.  The EDI module serves as a good foundation for most EDI requirements that even with custom programming included is far less costly than starting from scratch with a completely customized solution. You need to have any incoming orders converted to a format that matches the EVOSO.IN file that the ED-B program can read and create outgoing invoices and ASN's to the format required by your trading partner.  A data map is available at http://www.istechsupport.com/dl/edimap.zip.  One resource with experience in this process is USI EDI who can be contacted at usisales@usiedi.com

Setting up EDI

Go into ED-G  Master EDI Set-up and first enter a path that will be your folder for the data transfer such as a subfolder under the EvoERP folder named EDI.  Create a subfolder under that folder named Trensfer.

Your Company ID Number is normally your 9 digit Dun's number, but it can be any number.  The Next EDI Import Number is just a counter that keeps track of each import file -- you can give it a starting number of 1.

Receiving EDI Sales Orders

At this point you can begin receiving EDI orders.  Use whatever tool you have selected to create the EVOSO.IN file, run ED-B  Import EDI Orders, which imports any orders that have not yet been imported.  At this point the orders are in a temporary file rather than in the sales order file.

Next, run ED-H Error Report to verify the incoming data.  If any errors need to be corrected, run ED-C  Edit EDI Orders, which is a program virtually identical to SO-A Enter Sales Orders.  With this program you can edit orders if any changes or additions are required.  Once the order has been reviewed and edited to your satisfaction, you can save it and convert it immediately to a sales order, or at a later time you can run ED-D  Convert EDI Orders to Sales Orders.

This completes the process of getting the EDI order into the sales order system.

Sending EDI Invoices

Once an EDI customer's sales order gets invoiced and posted, you can use ODBC to connect to the database to generate whatever outgoing labels, ASN, Invoice and other documentation your trading partner requires.  Once again, USI EDI has this experience.