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PL-E  Payroll Software Link Setup

Purpose of Program

Use this program to enter various default settings used by the Payroll Link module.

These settings are unique to each company in the system, so if you are running separate payrolls in each company, you must enter settings in PL-E for each of your companies.

General Program Operation

First, enter the path where the CheckMark or Easy Pay program is installed.  This must include the path drive letter from the workstation of the user who will be running Payroll.  If more than one user will be using the Payroll, they must have the same drive mapping to the drive where the Payroll is installed.

If CheckMark or Easy Pay is installed to the DBAMFG folder, then the backup procedure would also include the CheckMark files.  Some companies for security reasons prefer to install Payroll in a separate folder on the server which can be hidden from other users.  If so, be sure your server backup includes this folder.

NOTE: Make sure any paths that are entered in this program do not contain any spaces nor any folder names longer than eight characters.

On the next line enter the name of the CheckMark or Easy Pay program.  

Enter the path for the location of the employee check and employer voucher import files that CheckMark or Easy Pay will be creating.  It is best to specify the same path as where the Payroll program is installed, so that you won't have to type in a path each time you create these files in the Payroll program.

On the next two lines enter the names of the employee check and employer voucher import files.  They will default to CHECKS.TXT and VOUCHERS.TXT but need to be changed to GLIMPORT.CHK and GLIMPORT.EMP respectively for Easy Pay payroll.

If you want WO-L-E  Print/Post Labor to Payroll to post hours into Payroll, enter a Y in the next field.

Next, enter the path to WO-L-E's export file, which would normally be the path to your DBAMFG folder, and then the name of the export file, which defaults to HOURS.TXT.

If employee commissions are to be paid through Payroll, enter a Y in the last field.  This will cause CS-D  Transfer Sales Commissions to print a report of the employee commissions being transferred so that the amounts on the report can be manually entered into Payroll.